Gruff Wikia

Ability Card List[]

Number Name Type Cost Ultimate Starting Card Rule
1 Signal Jam Condition 5 Yes No While this card is in play, other conditions cannot be played.
2 Static Storm Condition 9 No No When you play this card, destroy all other conditions. While this card is in play, other conditions cannot be played.
3 Bukkit's Boom Action 7 No Yes Kill Bukkit, he cannot be resurrected this turn. Draw 3 cards. (Your turn ends if your active gruff is killed.)
4 Scud Missiles Action 30 No Yes Choose any shepherd, they take 4 Damage.
5 For Science! Action 4 No Yes This card can only be played if your active gruff is a Contraption. Shuffle your discard pile into your deck and draw a card.
6 Epiphany Action 2 No Yes Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Draw one and put the rest back. Shuffle your deck.
7 Jab Condition 3 No Yes While this card is in play, the defending shepherd takes 1 Damage whenever a gruff on your team has their attack fully blocked.
8 Bend Space Action 3 No Yes Choose any gruff, it swaps positions with another gruff on its team.
9 Foul Fuel Action 10 No No Destroy all mutations. Draw a card.
10 Limbic Spark Plug Mutation 5 No No Mutate any gruff. The mutated gruff's maximum Weird score increases by 5. (Use the track in this card to track the new maximum).
11 Thermodynamics Mutation 15 Yes No Mutate Bukkit. Whenever you play a card, draw a card. When you play this card your turn immediately ends.
12 Min Max Action 1 No Yes Choose any gruff, it loses 1 point from any stat. Then, it gets +1 to any stat. (If a gruff can't gain and lose a point, it can't be chosen by this card.)
13 Bewilder Action 2 No No Destroy any mutation or condition.
14 Adrenal Booster Mutation 7 Yes No Machination.

Mutate Bukkit. Gruffs on your team with Mean scores at their maximum deal +2 Damage.

15 Adrenal Booster Mutation 7 Yes No Machination.

Mutate Bukkit. Gruffs on your team with Mean scores at their maximum deal +2 Damage.
